F1 - LCR F2 - LCR LCR-History History Sidecars Road Sidecar Video Links LCR TEAM Contact


F1 - LCR F2 - LCR LCR-History History Sidecars Road Sidecar Video Links LCR TEAM Contact

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Letzte Änderung am Montag, 5. September 2011 um 11:09:39 Uhr.

LCR History


Pekka Päivärinta & Adolf Hänni
Congratulations to the new Sidecar World Champions 2010 and 2011


www.kasakuvat.fi (Santu Salovaara)

Welcome to LCR. 
Sidecar racing is a team-sport.
Only if driver and passenger work as a perfect team together they can win.
This is also our idea of working in our LCR-Factory.
We are one team with the drivers and we work for the success of our drivers!  
We produce sidecars for your success!  

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