LCR F2 Racing Sidecar
In 2006 LCR expanded into the Formula 2 sidecar class, supplying sidecars for the Isle of Man TT, including the one campaigned by Manxmen Nick Crowe and Daniel Sayle that set a new lap record.
2007 Nick Crowe/ Dan Sayle won the Southern 100 (Isle of Man).
2008 Nick Crowe/ Mark Cox won the Isle of Man on a LCR-F2, second came John Holden /Andrew Winkle on LCR-F2 and third came 3times F1-World champions Tim Reeves/Patrick Farrance, also on a LCR-F2.
The F2 Sidecars are very popular in the UK. Since 20 years only F2 Sidecars are allowed to start at the Isle of Man race because the organisers thought F1 sidecars to be too dangerous. In this time I had several customers, who successfully participated at the TT with LCR-F1 sidecars.

John Holden/Andrew Winkle LCR-Suzuki (2007)
Holden/Winkle is one the most succesful LCR-F2 Team with the most victories on a LCR-F2. They gave many helpful technical advices. 2008 Holden/Winkle came 2nd at the Isle of Man.
The first LCR F1 at the Isle of Man was Team Holzer/Meierhans in the year 1978 and finished all predictions despite their race. This former sidecar had already a monocoque (you find photos in "history sidecars")
Holzer/Meierhans finished on a 17th place (+ 12 miles). They didn’t start for the 2nd race after the tragic accident of their Swiss sidecar friend Trachsel.
2005 former Sidecar World champion Klaus Klaffenböck asked Louis Christen if he would have interest to build him a TT-competitive F2-sidecar. Klaus Klaffenböck (although he is a Superbike-teamboss and has enough to do) is still very interested in the sidecar sport. After various reflections LCR decided to start this project. Key reasons: The F2 sidecars with 600ccm series engines are not only for professionals riders with a lot of experience, F2 sidecars are also ideal for beginners. The F2-sidecars are ca. 30% to 50% cheaper than the F1-sidecars with 1000ccm. Technically, less sophisticated, easy in maintenance. In England are more than 100 F2-teams. A disadvantage of the F2-class was surely that there are not so many professional producers involved, and therefore often the teams needed to build their sidecars by themselves.
The aim of the LCR F2-commitment was to show that such vehicles can have a future especially also on the continent if they have a number of technical innovations combined with attractive design. To receive as much as possible F2 knowledge we worked together with Team Klaffenböck/Parzer and also with the Team Laidlow/Farrance because the British pairing have a lot of F2 experience. The LCR F2 construction adheres exactly to the existing technical regulations, but has some distinct advantages over the existing F2s: The chassis is divided into sections which are screwed together: in case of a damage and accident this guarantees a fast and inexpensive fix.
Rear arm, sidecarwheel arm and engine parts are screwed by milled aluminium parts, which gives much flexibility in geometry and choice of engine. The frontwheel has a completely new brake system and can therefore be easily and quickly be changed. Because we know that involvement of the passenger is very important, we tried the whole area, where the passenger moves, to design in the best way. The F2-fairing is like the F1-fairing made in one piece, the seat is integrated in the cockpit area, which is a clear visual appreciation of the F2-sidecar.
Of course, we from LCR hope that the above considerations prove to be correct, and the F2-sidecars will become more popular and will become a better entrance for beginners in the sidecar-sport. The most successful sidecar-driver of all time, Steve Webster, is also convinced of this idea and sells our LCR products in England and supports the teams with his knowledge.
LCR F2 Deutscher Text hier anklicken...
LCR F2 without fairing

LCR F2-Teams
- Nick Crowe
(if you are a LCR-F2 Team and you have a webside, please send us a link)